Biography of Marbulus Arantious

Marbulus Arantius hails from a small island off the coast of Italy. Here he was born over two millennia ago. Yes, you read that right, two thousand years ago he was born to a humble farming family in the outskirts of the Marbulon Empire. His life was one of hard work on the farm, until a fateful day when barbarian hordes ransacked and destroyed his farm and family. At the end of that day he vowed vengeance for the destruction. He then enlisted in the Marbulon Legion. He quickly proved himself and showed great agility and aptitude as a scout. As a scout for the Legions, he quickly became indispensable and rose in rank. He achieved greatness and glory in the Legion, and accomplished great feats: rolling uphill unaided, staying underwater for long periods of time, and most important, being faster than a wagon with square wheels. The Marbulon Gods were pleased with these heroic deeds. He was summoned to the mountain where the gods lived and was granted a single wish. All Arantius wished for was a place and time where he could compete with other marbles for true glory. His wish was granted. As he slowly rolled down the mountain, he was transported into the future to such a place. Our day. Our time. To win Glory for himself and the memory of Marbulon in the Racing Marbles League.

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