Racing Marble's League - Season 3 - Application Form
READ THIS BEFORE SUBMITTING THIS FORM: The Racing Marble's League provides a platform for marble race fans to race their best and fastest marble against one another. We provide the race course, the videography and publishing of the races for everyone to witness. Championship Points will be awarded based on performance. The racing marble with the most points at the end of the last race in the season will be recorded as the RML Season 3 Champion. Are you ready to race? Complete this form and we'll add you to a growing list of interested marble fans who want to have their best marble compete in Season 3 of the Racing Marble's League. REQUIREMENTS: * Marbles must be 5/8" (16mm) in size [between 15.20mm - 16.80mm] * Marbles must be made of glass. TIMELINE: * Marble Submission Deadline is December 15, 2021 * Season 3 will start early in 2022. **NOTE: The submission of this form does not guarantee a placement in Season 3 of the RML. There will be a selection process called Try-Outs. Only the fastest marbles will move into RML competitions.

Tell us about your racing marble:

Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
We accept jpg, png and pdf formats. File size needs to be less than 5MB.
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