Racing Marble's League - Season 1, 2020

Crimson Lady

Owned by: Bobbie M.
Sponsored by: Sponsor List
Fans: Fan List
Info: Top 21 qualify for league
Type: Lady Bug
Div: 16mm MPG*
Size: 16.47mm
Weight: 6.09g
Rank: 1S5P-1

Flags of the world_United States of America


Owned by: Wes S.
Sponsored by: Sponsor List
Fans: Fan List
Info: Top 21 qualify for league
Type: Werewolf
Div: 16mm MPG*
Size: 16.00mm
Weight: 5.49g
Rank: 1S2P-2

Flags of the world_United States of America


Owned by: NMFT
Sponsored by: Sponsor List
Fans: Fan List
Info: Top 21 qualify for league
Type: Troll
Div: 16mm MPG
Size: 15.83mm
Weight: 5.18g
Rank: 1S3P-3

Flags of the world_United States of America


Owned by: WGMR
(Worlds Greatest Marble
Sponsored by: Sponsor List
Fans: Fan List
Info: Top 21 qualify for league
Type: Panda
Div: 16mm MPG*
Size: 16.29mm
Weight: 5.60g
Rank: 1S2P-4

Flags of the world_United States of America

Marbulus Arantius

Owned by: B.A. Games
Sponsored: Sponsor List
Fans: Fan List
Info: Top 21 qualify for league
Type: Seahorse
Div: 16mm MPG*
Size: 16.20mm
Weight: 5.80g
Rank: 1S-5

Flags of the world_United States of America

Rumble Bee

Owned by: King Munro
Sponsored by: Sponsor List
Fans: Fan List
Info: Top 21 qualify for league
Type: Bumblebee
Div: 16mm MPG*
Size: 16.13mm
Weight: 5.56g
Rank: 1S-6

Flags of the world_United States of America

Turbo Turtle

Owned by: Dave R
Sponsored by: Sponsor List
Fans: Fan List
Info: Top 21 qualify for league
Type: Turtle
Div: 16mm MPG*
Size: 15.65mm
Weight: 5.57g
Rank: 1S-7

Flags of the world_United States of America


Owned by: Tyler T.
Sponsored by: Sponsor List
Fans: Fan List
Info: Top 21 qualify for league
Type: Wolf
Div: 16mm MPG
Size: 16.17mm
Weight: 5.56g
Rank: 1S2P-8

Flags of the world_Australia

Butter Ball

Owned by: Connor I.
Sponsored by: Sponsor List
Fans: Fan List
Info: Top 21 qualify for league
Type: Mermaid
Div: 16mm MPG*
Size: 15.90mm
Weight: 5.29g
Rank: 1S-9

Flags of the world_United States of America


Owned by: Noah & Laura M.
Sponsored by: Sponsor List
Fans: Fan List
Info: Top 21 qualify for league
Type: Bald Eagle
Div: 16mm MPG*
Size: 15.97mm
Weight: 5.31g
Rank: 1S2P-10

Flags of the world_Germany

Accidental Genius

Owned by: Jeff R.
Sponsored by: Sponsor List
Fans: Fan List
Info: Top 21 qualify for league
Type: Asian Elephant
Div: 16mm MPG*
Size: 16.77mm
Weight: 6.08g
Rank: 1S-11

Flags of the world_United States of America

Go Gogh

Owned by: Sanskar H.
Sponsored by: Sponsor List
Fans: Fan List
Info: Top 21 qualify for league
Type: Van Gogh
Div: 16mm MPG*
Size: 16.52mm
Weight: 5.83g
Rank: 1S-12

Flags of the world_India

Shlond Poofa

Owned by: Team Lindroos Racing
Sponsored by: Sponsor List
Fans: Fan List
Info: Top 21 qualify for league
Type: Dragon
Div: 16mm MPG*
Size: 16.18mm
Weight: 5.44g
Rank: 1S-13

Flags of the world_United States of America


Owned by: Dave K.
Sponsored by: Sponsor List
Fans: Fan List
Info: Top 21 qualify for league
Div: 16mm MPG*
Size: 16.04mm
Weight: 5.64g
Rank: 1S1P-14

Flags of the world_United States of America


Owned by: Bob&Jim Marblesports
Sponsored: Sponsor List
Fans: Fan List
Info: Top 21 qualify for league
Type: Koi
Div: 16mm MPG*
Size: 15.86mm
Weight: 5.32g
Rank: 1S-15

Flags of the world_Spain

Finn C. Artilage

Owned by: Todd S.
Sponsored by: Sponsor List
Fans: Fan List
Info: Top 21 qualify for league
Type: Blue Jay
Div: 16mm MPG*
Size: 16.83mm
Weight: 6.20g
Rank: 1S1P-16

Flags of the world_United States of America


Owned by: Paul M.
Sponsored by: Sponsor List
Fans: Fan List
Info: Top 21 qualify for league
Type: Cats Eye Blue
Div: 16mm MPG*
Size: 16.57mm
Weight: 5.85g
Rank: 1S-17

Flags of the world_United Kingdom


Owned by: Varadaraj K.
Sponsored by: Sponsor List
Fans: Fan List
Info: Top 21 qualify for league
Type: Scorpion
Div: 16mm MPG*
Size: 15.98mm
Weight: 5.58g
Rank: 1S-18

Flags of the world_India


Owned by: Chessa S.
Sponsored by: Sponsor List
Fans: Fan List
Info: Top 21 qualify for league
Type: Red Devil
Div: 16mm MPG*
Size: 16.68mm
Weight: 6.30g
Rank: 1S-19

Flags of the world_United States of America


Owned by: Droid L.
Sponsored by: Sponsor List
Fans: Fan List
Info: Top 21 qualify for league
Type: Octopus
Div: 16mm MPG*
Size: 15.20mm
Weight: 5.00g
Rank: 1S-20

Flags of the world_United States of America


Owned by: Jeff F.
Sponsored by: Sponsor List
Fans: Fan List
Info: Top 21 qualify for league
Type: Orca
Div: 16mm MPG*
Size: 15.54mm
Weight: 5.14g
Rank: 1S-21

Flags of the world_United States of America

Name TBD

Owned by:
Sponsored by:
Info: Top 21 qualify for league
Type: Dragon
League: Beginner

Name TBD

Owned by:
Sponsored by:
Info: Top 21 qualify for league
Type: Dragon
League: Beginner

Name TBD

Owned by:
Sponsored by:
Info: Top 21 qualify for league
Type: Dragon
League: Beginner

* MPG = Mass Produced Glass marble

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