Racing Marble's League - Season 4 information

The Racing Marble’s League (RML) provides a platform for marble race fans to race their best and fastest marble against one another. We provide the race course, the videography and publishing of the races for everyone to witness. You the fans provide the marbles.

Schedule: TBD 

To Participate:
     1. Register your marble.
a. Enter the required data on our registration form HERE (Open Registration TBD.) 

     2. Mail your marble to RML headquarters.
a. Instructions will be provided shortly after your registration. (and be sure to mail your marble in a padded envelope. A standard envelope will not work.)

The Requirements:
1. Marbles must be made of glass
2. Marbles must be 5/8″ (or 16mm) in size.
a. Sizes between 15.20 & 16.90mm in diameter are OK.
3. Marbles must be received at RML HQ by TBD.
     4. Only one marble type will be accepted into the RML.
a. Example: El Sol is of marble type “Sun” (Yellow marble with red swirls). Any new registrations of a Sun marble will not be accepted. It is first come first served. Check our list of marble types already submitted BELOW.


  • 12 Racing Marbles have auto qualified to participate in RML Season 4 CHAMPIONSHIP SERIES. (SEE THE LIST BELOW)
  • 6 Racing Marbles from the Challenger Series races (coming soon) will earn positions for RML Season 4.
  • To fill the remaining 3 open slots for RML Season 4, marbles will compete in the TRY-OUTS. 
  • There are limited slots available in Season 4. RML is only accepting 68 marbles into the TRY-OUTS.
  • Marble owners who have already submitted a marble into the RML will have priority. They will be given a deadline date in which they will need to submit their registrations.
  • Open Registration will begin directly after (TBD 2022) and will close as soon all available slots are filled. 
  • There will be no funnel or plinko style obstacles like there were in Season 2. All Try-Outs and Races will be on marble racing track. We’re looking for the fastest marbles and we will not have obstacles that randomize marble performance.
  • There will be 4 Try-Out events.
  • Marbles which have been registered and received by the deadline date (to be announced) WILL COMPETE in the Try-Outs. However, not all marbles will qualify for Season 4. We have more marbles than we have open positions. We will be racing 21 marbles in the CHAMPIONSHIP SERIES and 3 groups of 17 marbles in the Challenger Series.
  • Qualifying will be based on the accumulation of finish times. The marbles with the overall lowest accumulated times will advance.
  • Qualifying for CHAMPIONSHIP SERIES & Challenger Series:
    • The Top 12 Racing Marbles in the CHAMPIONSHIP SERIES from Season 3 automatically advance to Season 4.
    • The Top 6 Racing Marbles in the Challenger Series from Season 3 advance to Season 4 CHAMPIONSHIP SERIES.
    • The Top 3 Racing Marbles from the Season 4 TRY-OUTS advance to Season 4 Championship Series (which fills all 21 positions)
    • The top finishers from the Season 4 Try-Outs will advance to the Challenger Series which will form the 3 Groups of 17 marbles.
    • All remaining marbles will be sidelined and will need to await their next opportunity for Season 5 Try-Outs.
    • NOTE: Marble Owners may have a maximum of 2 marbles submitted into the RML. .
  • There will be a total of 6 races in Season 3 for each race series.
  • Time Trials will follow the same method as in Season 3 with the split screen format. Finish times will determine position in the start grid.
  • Marble Owners are encouraged to join our Discord Server, “Racing Marbles Official”. There we make announcements, share successes and failures, chat with fans and post memes etc.
  • RML will provide a “Meet the Marbles” section on this website for the competing marbles. It will include current stats for the season. Click HERE to access.
  • The official rules for Season 3 can be found HERE.
  • Marbles who acquire Pole position will earn 3 points.
  • Marbles who lead the most laps in a race will earn 3 points.
  • Marbles will earn championship points based on their finish in the race. All finish positions earn points. Zero points are assigned to marbles who Do Not Finish (DNF).
  • The marble with the most accumulated points at the end of the season will earn the coveted title of “Racing Marble’s League Champion – Season 4”. 

Updated: 7/10/22

New Track in July

We’ve designed a new track using a different material. The 3D printing solution is not cost affective (unless you already own a 3D printer) and …


If you’ve not seen them yet, you should check out some new graphs made by Wild Canuck. They’re super cool, showing the positions of each …

HEADLINE NEWS. RML’s Crimson Lady has been injured!

She was submitted to the hospital directly after race 5 and reported that she was “…not feeling well since race 4”. She was released this …

Currently Registered Marbles for Season 4

Marble Name [rank] Owner Name Country S3 Status
rampage Rampage [2] Harry T. USA Champ S. RALQ
serpent-smart2 Serpent Smart [3] Coolio S. USA Champ S. RALQ
swirly Swirly [4] S3 CHAMP Taylor R. USA Champ S. Taylor R.
TBD-AliciaR Victorious Secret [5] Alicia R. USA Champ S. RALQ
el-sol EL Sol [6] Fabiola R. Spain Champ S. RALQ
Wild-Canuck4 Wild Canuck [9] Don M. Canada Champ S. RALQ
Tornado4 Tornado [10] Theodore M. USA Champ S. RALQ
sinatra Sinatra [12] Paul M. UK Champ S. RALQ
blue-falcon Blue Falcon [14] Kim N. USA Champ S. RALQ
TBD-JeffR Sacred Snow [23] Jeff R. USA Champ S. RALQ
Fury Fury [26] Kara R. USA Champ S. RALQ
skunk Skunk [32] Jeff F. USA Champ S. RALQ

R = Registered
(R) = Registered but no marble type.
A = Arrived at RML H
(T) = Have tracking #
L = Logo received
Q = Qualified S3
q = qualified for S3B
[] Pink = No mail info and not received by deadline.

Registered Marbles Types for Season 4

Marble Type Description
rampage Electric Eel Opaque Glossy Gray
serpent-smart2 Serpent Opaque Blue with Red & Yellow Swirls
swirly Grasshopper Opaque Light Green with Brown Swirls
TBD-AliciaR Opalite Opalescent Glass
el-sol Sun Opaque Yellow with Red Swirls
Wild-Canuck4 Cockatoo Iridescent White with Redish-Orange & Yellow Swirls
Tornado4 Cleary Translucent Light Green
sinatra Cat's Eye - Blue Clear with Blue Veins
blue-falcon Blue Falcon Opaque Blue with Orange and Black Swirls
TBD-JeffR White Pearl Pearly Opaque White
Fury Fungus Iridescent Green with White Swirls
skunk Orca Opaque Black with White & Brown Swirls.
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