Qualifiers Race 2

“Howdy, Predator, what is your impression after the qualifying heats for the second race?”

“Yeah, thank you. Very much. I really enjoyed the race. It was a brilliant competition. Especially the battle with panda in the first half of the race. I think this time I used the CC quite well. Soo, I let Panda loose right before it and after we were released again used the left side of the track and took back pole. I guess he was quite surprised. But, you know him, he is a fighter and he came back, but I hunt him down in the long run. But that comeback in the last lap. Still quite impressing! I love that spirit!”

“What do you think of Duchess? How was it possible that she fell off the track? Is the track too dangerous?”

“Noo, I don’t think so. The track wasn’t too dangerous. It is all about speed, it is about how far you can go while still managing to keep control. You could really see, that Duchess was raising the speed level after the CC and pressing forward to the lead, which led to that incident. But I think that’s what marble racing fans want to see. It made the whole heat the fastest one and I would say the most thrilling one. You know, everybody out of the heat qualified, even the sixth position. That says a lot. But all the best to duchess. I hope she will recover soon.”

“What about the race tomorrow? Who do you think will be the most challenging opponent for you?”

“Whooof, that’s a tough one, because we are still early in the season and you know the others that well. I think it will depend much on the start. If you get a good start, then you can really make a good race on this fast track. You know, we are on a fast track. There’s no rumble strip. And as you could see from the Qualifiers, Barca and Panda really like that kind of racing. But, concerning the first race I have to keep an eye on A.R.J.U.N. If it hadn’t been for that incident he would have gone straight to the podium. And we should not forget Finn. Of course, he was last in our heat, but I wonder, if he realized, that our heat was the fastest one and saved his energy for the race tomorrow. We’ll see.”

“One last question concerning the race tomorrow. Can you give us an insights into you tactics for the race? As you are in pole position, will you try to keep the speed up or will you fall back a bit and wait for the right moment to go in front?”

“Hmmm” (smirks) “Well, you cannot plan on a wire to wire. Of course, you need to keep control and look out for the right moment to make a move. But, as I like fast races, you won’t see me tomorrow being the one to slow the race down. We’ll see how it will work out. So, see you tomorrow and don’t forget: Eagles inveigle!!!”

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