Marbulus  Arantius ran a good race today. The initial lap looked good for Marbulus but a few of the jostles and hits just didn’t work out too well. He battled back to the middle of the pack and seemed to stay there for quite a while. When asked what happened during that battle, he replied “Well I got confused! I’m old you know, and there was this orange marble in front of me and I thought to myself am I going so fast that I can see myself from behind? Am I going to lap myself? When I finally realized that the orange marble in front of me was Barca, I made my move but just didn’t have enough time to catch up. ” Needless to say, we here at B.A Games don’t think Marbulus disappoint in the actual race. Some may say how is a 6th place finish a good thing? How is that not disappointing? Well it’s about consistency and the overall standings. Fourth overall, four points from first place, that’s not a bad place to be after two races. The investment in carts with square wheels has obviously help Marbulus, and that sort of training will continue.

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