The Disappearance!

WELL! We here are B.A. Games did not expect that to happen at all. WE were quite excited for this race considering how well we did in qualifiers. The race started out and we quickly moved into the back of the pack. This was ok and to be expected. To be honest Marbulus does better with some momentum behind him.  It looked like Marbulus was starting to make his moves and was transcending the ranks when…BAM! He wasn’t there. Anyways long story short, the ancient Gods of the Marbulon Empire had an emergency and needed his help.  He said he couldn’t explain much I got something about a river full of sticks and someone named Janus. Regardless, the next race we need to turn it up, until then.

2 thoughts on “The Disappearance!”

  1. B.A. Games. Sorry this occurred. It’s the first time we’ve seen this with the marble booster. We’re checking the equipment to make sure this doesn’t happen again.

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